Seasonal Quiz 04 (12 days of Christmas)

1. In the song `The Twelve Days Of Christmas` what did my true love give to me on the 12th day?
A. Lords a-leaping B. Pipers piping C. Drummers drumming

2. When do `The Twelve Days Of Christmas` traditionally begin and end?
A. Dec 25-Jan 5 B. Dec 14-25 C. Dec 21--Jan 1

3. In `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, what were there two of?
A. French Hens B. Turtle Doves C. Gold Rings

4. What type of bird features on the seventh day of Christmas in the song `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`?
A. Goose B. Swan C, French Hen

5. According to the song `The Twelve Days of Christmas`, how many gifts in total did my true love give to me?
A. 364 B. 365 C. 366

6. In the song `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, how many people are mentioned among the gifts?
A. 42 B. 50 C. 61

7. In `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, which gifts represent the six days of creation?
A. Geese a-laying B. Maids a-milking C. Lords a-leaping

8. True or false? The French word for partridge is perdrix so the opening line could be a partridge, une perdrix.

9. In the song `the twelve days of Christmas`, what did my true love send to me on the ninth day?
A. Maids a-milking B. Lords a-leaping C. Ladies dancing

10.  In the song `the twelve days of Christmas` as it is presently sung, how many birds are there?
A. 31 B. 23 C. 18

11. True or false? The total cost of all the items has gone up from £7,662.62 ($12,623.10) in 1984 to £25,185.72 ($33,862.18 ) in 2020.

12. The song is French in origin. In what year was it first published in English?
A. 1680 B. 1780 C. 1880