10 Items Listed by Charles Dickens in A Christmas Carol

In the third stave of
A Christmas Carol Dickens has three lists ofitems seen at Christmas, some more seasonal than others.
  1. Turkeys
  2. geese
  3. game (also poultry)
  4. brawn (which is pig;s brain)
  5. great joints of meat
  6. sucking-pigs (a suckling pig is a piglet fed on its mother's milk (ie a piglet which is still a "suckling"). In culinary contexts, a suckling pig is slaughtered between the ages of two and six weeks. It is traditionally cooked whole, often roasted, in various cuisines.)
  7. long wreaths of sausages
  8. mince-pies
  9. plum-puddings
  10. barrels of oysters (oysters started to become associated with Christmas, because they were most readily available to be consumed during December. Another influence was Irish immigration. These Catholics wished not to eat meat at Christmas and oysters were a ready alternative)